Elegance Chair Set with BP-370 Double Shelf Rattan Table

: In stock


Rs.18,140.00 Regular price Rs.20,540.00

The Elegance Chair Set with BP-370 Double Shelf Rattan Table offers a full set of chairs and a table in a variety of color options. Constructed with high-quality...
Chairs with Table
Dark Gray
Marble Blue

The Elegance Chair Set with BP-370 Double Shelf Rattan Table offers a full set of chairs and a table in a variety of color options. Constructed with high-quality materials, this set is perfect for indoor or outdoor use, including on your lawn, garden, or patio. Add some excitement to your sitting time with this special set.

The Elegance Chair Set with BP-370 Double Shelf Rattan Table offers a full set of chairs and a table in a variety of color options. Constructed with high-quality materials, this set is perfect for indoor or outdoor use, including on your lawn, garden, or patio. Add some excitement to your sitting time with this special set.

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