MDF Wood Veneer Medium Height Glass Door Cabinet – 3 Shelves 2 Cabinets

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Regular price Rs.76,885.00 Sale

High quality MDF Wood Veneer Medium Height Glass Door Cabinet ensure the excellent stability and durability of the cabinet. The 3 shelves gives you extra space for keeping...

High quality MDF Wood Veneer Medium Height Glass Door Cabinet ensure the excellent stability and durability of the cabinet. The 3 shelves gives you extra space for keeping files, decoration pieces and other items. Huge bottom cabinets with hinged doors have large room for putting more items. Comes with Plain wood with large surface area. A new sleek and modern design gives nice look to your office room and home.

High quality MDF Wood Veneer Medium Height Glass Door Cabinet ensure the excellent stability and durability of the cabinet. The 3 shelves gives you extra space for keeping files, decoration pieces and other items. Huge bottom cabinets with hinged doors have large room for putting more items. Comes with Plain wood with large surface area. A new sleek and modern design gives nice look to your office room and home.

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If you need to return the defective item, then let us know we will replace it, If you did not like the item or want to return then delivery charges will be at your end and will be proceed according to policy and current situation of order and area.


We can ship to virtually any address in the Pakistan. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to Local destinations.

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Please also note that the shipping rates for many items will be different according to Locations. We have 2 options for Delivery

1st is Cash on delivery at Doorstep, Our team will deliver at doorstep and check you items and then take the amount from you

2nd option is Bilti Option where our store does not exist, we will send the items at Goods adda and provide the bilti details to client against advance payment