Bustle Back Traditional Leather Chair

: In stock


Rs.39,800.00 Regular price Rs.56,755.00

Sit down. Be happy in this unusual, eminently comfortable Bustle-Back Traditional Leather  Chair in Brown. Heavily padded  and pillowtop arms, thick attached bustle-style back cushion, and comfy seat...

Sit down. Be happy in this unusual, eminently comfortable Bustle-Back Traditional Leather  Chair in Brown. Heavily padded  and pillowtop arms, thick attached bustle-style back cushion, and comfy seat make this a chair for all reasons. Covered in durable, deep brown 100% top-grain and leather match that will enhance any décor.

  • Style: Traditional
  • Cover: Leather
  • Color: Brown
  • Comfort Level: Soft


  • Type: Stationary
  • Arm: Curved Arm
  • Back: Attached Back
  • Seat: Attached Seat
  • Leg: Rounded

Sit down. Be happy in this unusual, eminently comfortable Bustle-Back Traditional Leather  Chair in Brown. Heavily padded  and pillowtop arms, thick attached bustle-style back cushion, and comfy seat make this a chair for all reasons. Covered in durable, deep brown 100% top-grain and leather match that will enhance any décor.

  • Style: Traditional
  • Cover: Leather
  • Color: Brown
  • Comfort Level: Soft


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